Charles River Laboratories
Wistar Kyoto WKY rat
Code 241010
Animal rat model ideal like ADHD model. It is used also as a control group for SHR rats.
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Nomenclature: WKY/NCrl
Origin: Developed from an outbred Wistar stock from Kyoto School of Medicine to NIH 1971. This is the same stock from which the SHR/N strain was developed. To Charles River in 1974 from NIH at F11.
Ideal for: Control for the SHR rat, ADHD model
Coat color: White (albino)
MHC haplotype: RT1I
Strain code: 008
Bred in: Germany, United States
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below
- animals health reports bred in Charles River Germany
- animals health reports bred in Charles River US
*Images courtesy of Charles River