Logger for temperature measurements, implantable, micro
Key features
- Ideal for biomedical and animal welfare studies
- Reliable, constant and accurate measurements
- Simple to use and cost effective
- Multiple animals in a cage (biomedical studies)
- Bicompatible housing with dimensions 25,4 mm x 8,3 mm
DST micro-T is a very small thermo logger. It measures and records temperature automatically with a customer defined interval. Data from the temperature probe is stored in the logger‘s internal memory with a real-time clock reference for each measurement and is retrieved after the study using a Communication Box.
The temperature monitor can store up to 43 477 temperature measurements and has a battery life of circa 18 months (with sampling interval of 10 min). DST micro-T logger is easy to sterilize (gas sterilizer or 70% ethanol) and can be reused as long as the battery lasts, which makes the loggers very cost efficient. Each DST micro-T has its own five digit serial number permanently marked on the logger housing as well as placed in the logger's memory and provided with all downloaded data. DST micro-T is especially useful when you wish to record a comprehensive data set throughout your research with no disturbance to the animal or subject.
The DST micro-T is supported by the Mercury (or SeaStar) software and the Communication Box which serves as an interface between the logger and a PC computer. Communication between the logger and the Communication Box is wireless when logger is placed in the Communication Box.
In the software, the user programs the start time, start date and sampling interval before the logger is implanted/deplolyed. A single interval is defined in seconds, minutes and hours. Optionally up to seven different intervals can be used within the same measurement sequence. The user defines the number of measurements they wish to record with each set interval at one time and the order these intervals are repeated in. This is especially useful when more frequent or rare measurements are needed at certain time periods.
After recovering the DST, recorded data is uploaded in the software where the results are displayed both in graphic and tabular form. The software also provides the user with some basic statistic information on the data such as minimum and maximum values on defined area, median, average, distribution of values etc. When recorded data has been retrieved, the DST can be re-programmed and reused as long as the battery lasts.
A set of Communication Box and Mercury (or SeaStar) software needs to be purchased with the first order.
- Sensor: temperature
- Size (diameter x length): 8.3 mm x 25.4mm
- Housing material: alumina (ceramic) and biocompatible epoxy
- Weight (in air/in water): 3.3g/1.9g
- Data resolution: 16 bit
- Temperature range: 5 to 45°c (41°f to 113°f)**
- Temperature resolution: 0.003°c (0.0054°f)
- Temperature accuracy: +/- 0.06°c (+/- 0.11°f)
- Temperature response time: time constant (63%) reached in 8 sec.
- Memory type: non-volatile eeprom
- Memory capacity: 65,535 measurements
- Sampling interval: user specified in second(s), minute(s), or hour(s)
- Minimum measuring interval: 1 second
- Multiple intervals option: up to 7 different intervals
- Data retention: 25 years
- Clock: real time clock. Accuracy +/-1 min/month
- Communications: communication box, wirelss transmission when dst sits in the box. Connection to pc: usb cable
- Attachment hole: 0.5 mm (diameter)
- Battery life: 28 months*
- Replaceable battery: no
* for sampling interval of 10 min.
** outside ranges available upon request.
Specifications may change without notice.
- COMBOX Communication box with USB converter
- MERCURY Mercury software for DST system
- SeaStar SeaStar software for DST system - Graphic supporting software for Windows
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