Anaerobic chamber 855 series
Code 855-AC
The 855-Series (Anaaerobic Chamber) is designed for manually controlling your atmosphere when working with oxygen sensitive materials. It is perfect for working in situations requiring low levels of oxygen during critical isolation of the operator or your research materials. Any inert gas may be used.
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It's main advantage is minimizing the risk of oxygen entry into the main working chamber. It trace amounts of O2 happen to enter the main chamber, the catalyst heater reduces it to water vapor. The installed drying train system can then be activated to remove any excess water vapor.
The 855-Series is offered as a complete system, and ready to use. No installation is required and no additional accessories are needed.
- Standard 24 month warranty (Not applicable for gloves and consumables)
- Formed one piece clear acrylic top
- Self-sealing quick disconnects enable the operator to change the drying train without disturbing the internal atmosphere. Matched die molded thermoset white bottom
- Adjustable vacuum gauge on transfer chamber
- Two vacuum pressure pumps, one each for transfer chamber and drying train
- Four ground key cock valves for purging
- Drying train includes polycarbonate canisters containing DesiSphereTM
- Inner door on transfer chamber opens automatically when pressures are neutralized between main chamber and transfer chamber
- All controls are illuminated
- Transfer chamber is 12" long and 11" diameter (I.D.)
- "Bright Light" system (40,000 hour lamp guarantee)
- Electrical outlet strip; U.L. & C.S.A. approved, hospital grade with four outlets
- White ambidextrous Hypalon gloves
- Power requirements 120 Volts 60 Hz
- All clamps are adjustable to compensate for wear