Charles River Laboratories
129 Mice, 129S2/SvPasCrl
Code 249800mouse
129 mice are often used to develop transgenic models, production of targeted mutation (knockout) mice.
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Nomenclature: 129S2/SvPasCrl
Type: Inbred mice
Origin: Developed by Dr. L.C. Stevens from The Jackson Laboratory. During the 1970s, Dr. Stevens introduced this line to the Pasteur Institute of Paris in the laboratory of Dr. J.L. Guenet. Charles River France acquired this strain in August 1996. The strain was renamed 129S2 in 1999 after the revision of the international nomenclature.
Coat color: Agouti
Strain code: 287
Ideal for: Transgenic/knockout model development, large number of unmyelinated axons in lumbar motor roots
Bred in: Germany, France, US
Health reports: Using strain nomenclature find the strain at links below
- animals health reports bred in Charles River Germany
- animals health reports bred in Charles River France
- animals health reports bred in Charles River US
Note: We also offer 129 Mice with a SOPF health profile.
*Photos provided courtesy of Charles River